Practice Areas

Innovativeness, excellence and energy to support our Clients and Partners.

Our areas of expertise

Delex takes on assignments in the interest of companies, public entities or consumers, damaged by unlawful conduct, in order to obtain full compensation for the damages suffered, through negotiations, arbitration activities or complex and high-value litigation, single claims or collective claims.

We have been chosen to represent classes of damaged parties in major antitrust private enforcement and mass tort class actions.

We facilitate our clients in using advanced litigation funding tools (Third Party Funding).

We collaborate with the world’s leading Claimant Law Firms.

Competition Disputes

Banking law and securities litigation

Diritto dei consumatori e pratiche commerciali scorrette

Environmental Damage

Liability for defective products

Personal injuries


Join Delex

Delex professionals and resources are at your service. Fill out the form. We will contact you to schedule a remote appointment or a meeting at our offices.
