Giorgio Afferni

Managing Partner

Giorgio Afferni

Giorgio is managing partner of Delex.

He is a member of the bar of Genoa and is qualified to assist clients in front of Italian supreme courts.

He is associate professor of private law at the University of Genoa, where he teaches Private Law of the European Union.

He is considered one of the greatest experts in Italy in inhibitory and compensatory collective actions, having been the lead counsel in some of the most important collective cases filed in Italy, in the fields of consumer law, competition law, bank law and financial market law. He was full member of the Italian Financial Ombudsman established by the Italian Financial Market Supervisory Authority (Consob).

He graduated cum laude in law at the University of Genoa. He holds an LL.M. from Harvard Law School and a doctorate in private law from Pisa State University. He was visiting fellow at the Max Planck Institute in international private law and comparative law in Hamburg. He won the Francesco Santoro Passarelli prize of the Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei (the oldest scientific academy of the world) for the best dissertation in private law.

He speaks Italian, English, German and French.


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