DELEX | Anna Coccoli Art Exhibition

DELEX | Anna Coccoli Art Exhibition

18 March 22

DELEX Law Firm offers the spaces of its headquarter in Brescia to the exhibition dedicated to the painter, sculptor, graphic designer, ceramist and daughter of art, Anna Coccoli, born in Brescia on February 1, 1929 and died in Sao Paulo, Brazil, on June 26, 2014.
The selection of more than fifty works exhibited in the offices traces the long career of the artist, highlighting the most interesting aspects of her research, always supported by the deep conviction that this was her way in the world, a way that led her to renew her style decade after decade.
The artistic production of Anna Coccoli, a multifaceted figure in continuous evolution, is very varied as it passes through extremely different periods of expression, influenced by the Italian and Brazilian art with which she comes into contact. The expressive language of the artist dialogues seamlessly with the transformations of contemporary society, fighting the battles for women’s rights, telling stories about popular lives, whether they were the peasants of Lombardy or the creole of the favelas of Sao Paulo in Brazil.

The extensive review of works, styles and techniques offers viewers an unrepeatable experience in Anna Coccoli’s hometown.

The exhibition, organized with the precious assistance of our artistic director Davide Dattola, D’A and Gare 82 Gallery, and it  will remain in place until June 30, 2022.

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